We have been doing lots of fun activities around ‘numbers’ incorporating them into games and songs and, for some children, counting out loud, working on number recognition, as well as one more, one less, adding together and taking away. The school leavers were enthusiastic to learn a bit more about numbers after our daily phonics sessions. We just couldn’t be more pleased with the way the Read Write Inc phonics sessions are going, the children are really picking this up very quickly and we continue to work on the sounds of the letters… next week it’s k. As always, we aim to teach the joy of reading and hopefully, a lifelong love of books. We have many different types, some children like a good story but others might like rhymes, poems or information books – all of these are available at all times and we rotate them on a regular basis – we also keep some absolute favourites available at all times! Nightly reading as part of a bedtime routine at home is really important and these sessions can make reading feel extra-special. Next week Marianne, the Librarian from Wychwood Library is visiting us and we will be looking at the ‘Supertato’ books. We love it when Marianne visits, she is so enthusiastic and always dresses up as a character too!