Thank you so much to Thea Jess and Paddy for such a lovely visit to their
house on Wednesday. The children so enjoyed collecting eggs from the
chickens and quail – they particularly noticed the difference in size of
eggs! They also had the opportunity to brush the pony – while understanding
the importance of keeping voices quiet and giving enough space to walk
around. They loved seeing the guinea pigs and dogs and cats.
We had a long walk around the paddocks jumping the horse jumps and noticing
all the wild flowers. Also we were very lucky with the weather and were
able to enjoy snack (with Jess’ delicious flapjack – very popular with
George!) and lunch outside in the garden.
The best part though was the fire where the children were able to toast
marshmallows on a long stick – (ok – the staff loved this part too!!!)
Just a lovely day!