This week we celebrated the start of Spring. The weather cooperated allowing us to open up the big sandpit in beautiful sunshine, a lovely treat to have socks and shoes off in the sand! We’ve read lots of stories, sung songs and joined in with action rhymes. The art and craft tables have been really popular lately, this week lots of ‘free art’ creations as well as more structured, making daffodils from egg boxes and card petals, lambs made from cotton wool and ‘still life’ snowdrops painted using real bamboo sticks and paintbrushes. The children always have a choice of what to play with and we encourage them to let us know if they would like anything in particular, some children chose the ‘Tap a Shape’ game and loved using the hammers and brass tacks to tap the wooden shapes into cork boards, some selected shapes to make into houses or people. Towards the end of the week the children were able to take home a daffodil to watch how it comes into flower and eventually dies back. Another lovely week and good to see some sunshine!