Your children have all been working extremely hard (and in secret!) this week, we hope that all Mums will be very surprised on Mothering Sunday! For World Book Day we read lots of new stories and each child was given a £1 book token to take home.
We have also started to incubate some chicken eggs and have had lots of discussion about the life cycle of chickens. We have learnt that the eggs have to be in the incubator for 21 days before they hatch and they need to be kept warm, at the same temperature all the time. The chick gets out of the egg by using its special egg tooth (on the end of its beak) to break a hole from the inside of the egg shell, it then has to work very hard to completely come out of the egg. When it does come out its feathers are wet and they need to dry off before the chick becomes ‘fluffy’. We have also learnt that the chicks eat ‘chick crumbs’ to grow big and strong.
The older children, especially, have been very interested in the eggs and go into the ‘cupboard’ (where the incubator is being kept) to check on them every day (I have a feeling it’s going to be a very long 21 days!!) We will be doing various ‘chick’ related activities nearer to the time that they hatch (just before Easter hols… hopefully!!)
We also need to say a huge thank you to the Walker family for having both Forest School groups at their farm recently – do take a look at the photo galleries to see what fun we all had!