What an extraordinary end to the school year for 2020! We are so glad that we were able to re-open on 1st June and have thoroughly enjoyed the last few weeks of term together. We’ve had to adapt, the children have been so good at that and you should all be very proud of them, we are! It’s been different and some of the changes, we have realised, are for the better and we intend to keep those. We’ve had so much fun and today was the last day for our children who are moving up to primary school. We saw Lisa and Aleesha, who were guests of honour, as well as Sally Dancer who the children have missed so much! Little Dancers will recommence in September! We spent all day outside playing and running races in our groups with medal presentations at the end. We had a picnic lunch outside. We’ve spoken to all of the new teachers from the different schools that the children will be moving on to and we wish everyone well in their next step. Thank you for all of your support and allowing your children to return to us. A fond farewell from all of the staff at Ascott Pre-School. x
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The end of another school year…