Thank you to everyone who supported our topic and brought in cuddly bears and toys this week. We have had lots of picnics at snack times, which resulted in more shouts of ‘spillage’ than usual! Thanks also for the huge variety of ‘bear’ books that have been brought in – we have enjoyed lots of lovely stories. The children have made jelly and brought home biscuits in the shape of bears. We’ve had dry and wet porridge in the tuff spot – lots of tipping and pouring. We also acted out a play from the book, ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ with lots of props – the children loved battling their way across a field of tall, wavy grass (“Swishy swashy!”), wading through a deep, cold river (“Splash splosh!”), struggling through thick oozy mud (“Squelch squerch!”) – (Nicky was particularly proud of her prop for this item!!), finding their way through a deep, dark forest (“Stumble trip!”), fighting through a swirling, whirling snowstorm (“Hoooo woooo!”), and entering a narrow, gloomy cave. WHAT’S THAT?… Well it was either a HUGE bear or Sally Walker!! A lovely, funny week and lots of laughter has been had by all. Do you have a good weekend everyone and enjoy the sunshine!